Artwork by: Pascale Vayer
Photo by: Yana Gryniv
Children in War
Russia's war against Ukraine is robbing Ukraine of its future - and not only in a figurative sense. Russia is kidnapping Ukrainian children and taking them to its occupied territories. Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion on February 24, 2022, according to the latest data from the National Information Office, there have been 19,514 abducted or kidnapped children - however, the number of unreported cases is much higher and runs into the hundreds of thousands. The organization Save Ukraine, in cooperation with kleine herzen, draws attention to this crime committed by Russia in Ukraine and raises the considerable funds necessary to return the stolen children to their homes.
Goal of the project:
• We have gotten far too used to the horrific images of the war in Ukraine. With the exhibition we would like to bring the suffering of the people in the war back into focus and draw attention to those most in need and the weakest - the children.
• We would like to show and address the cruel practice of the systematic kidnapping of Ukrainian children by Russia.
• Finding and retrieving the kidnapped children requires substantial funds. We would like to collect donations to be able to finance the return of as many Ukrainian children kidnapped by the Russians to their families as possible.
• Christine Marek, head of the project, ambassador of kleine herzen, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, 2007-2010
• Pascale Vayer, founder and Chair of kleine herzen
• Mykola Kuleba, founder and Chair of Save Ukraine, Ombudsman for Children to the President of Ukraine (2014-2021)
• Yana Gryniv, curator, founder of Art Contact Ukraine
• Ganna Gnedkova, Author and translator, Ukrainian author, translator, head of the media center of the Ukrainian community in Vienna (
Big thanks to Office.Ukraine for recommending the Art Contact Ukraine platform!
Time: 21.06-10.07.2023
Location: Aula im West Space (alte WU), Augasse 2-6, 1090, Vienna
Please note, that the project is still ongoing and you can help return the abducted children home.
For more information, please, contact "Save Ukraine" or "kleine herzen".